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Radiate and Beam, Crystal cave, Priya Rajagopalan
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About Me

Light will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage.


Little by little, You will turn into stars.
Little by little, You will turn into
The whole sweet, amorous Universe.

Love will surely burst you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy.

- Hafiz


I firmly believe that Love is the energy that vibrates within and without, carrying with it a knowing of ALL. I have an inner calling to embrace the collective, helping individuals connect back to their essence, to Wholeness becoming Love.

Work with Me

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Light Language (A Personal Channeling)

In a typical session, you shall experience the  Light Language, a stream of loving healing energy and profound guidance. You may also experience activations and transmissions that come through this channelling. 


Akashic Records Journey

Through connecting with your Masters, Guides & other Beings, wisdom and knowledge about your current and past lives, your path, challenges, struggles and answers to your questions will come through, all for your Highest Good.

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Healing (distance and in-person)

Energy healing, distance or in-person, includes multiple modalities in a session - Reiki, Bodywork, Crystals, Meditation, Chanting, Bach Flower, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Light Healing and Colour Therapy. As your heart opens through your personal healing, you begin to radiate healing energy.

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Introduction to Human Design

You are unique, an irreplaceable expression of consciousness in Human Form. This reading is an introduction to your Human Design revealing your personal authenticity, giving you the keys to explore living in alignment with your Self, to make healthy decisions and live your unique life.




One-on-One Sessions

In these personalized sessions, through conversations, meditations, healings, connecting to your Guides and Higher Self, you begin to Love yourself, make healthy choices, create loving compassionate relationships and become aware of your creative and Divine potential.

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Daily Chanting

As a seva to All Sentient Beings, we chant every day for the peace and well-being of all. The group meets for 20 minutes on zoom.


Meeting ID: 878 0471 4601
Passcode: 155718

Time: 4:55pm IST, 11:25am GMT 

Being connected with Priya is the best soul contract that I have signed and the best human decision that I have made in this lifetime.

- Manjuvani

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©2023 by Priya Rajagopalan. Proudly created with

Paintings by Sonalee, Soumya, Jai | Website by Anitha and Manjuvani

Energy work is not a medical treatment. It is to be used as a complementary therapy and not as a substitute for medical care. My services neither prescribe nor diagnose under any circumstance.

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