Work with Me
These are unprecedented times for humanity, as the collective consciousness goes through the churn of ascension, as time seems to be speeding up, despite being interconnected through social media the incidence of loneliness is on the rise and massive geo-political shifts are underway.
As a human grappling with an overwhelming feeling of having no control, sometimes being swept into a whirlpool of emotions, the feeling of never being able to show up for oneself – this beautiful and marvelous journey of life can seem to be a punishment.
I have an inner calling to hold the collective and help individuals connect back to their essence and to Oneness. I believe in the bigger picture, that each of us has come to earth with a special purpose, to spread love and healing. My offering to the world is to hold your hand, in whichever way is best suited to you and help you connect back to your source of peace, joy and Love.
Light Language - A Personal Chanelling
Priya offers you access to the higher wisdom of the star system Lyra. In a typical session, you shall experience the Light Language, a stream of loving healing energy and profound guidance.
You may also experience activations and transmissions that come through this channelling.
Priya will help you understand the wisdom downloaded specifically for you, so that you can use the knowledge in your everyday life.
A session can last upto 20 minutes.
Please come with one question or an area of concern for the guidance.
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One-on-One Sessions
During these personalized sessions, through conversations, meditations, healing, connecting you to your Guides and Higher Self, Priya offers her wisdom and knowledge. In the process, you learn to love yourself, make healthy choices, create loving compassionate relationships and become aware of your own creative and Divine potential.
Priya holds the space for the process of personal transformation towards honouring your best self. As your spiritual guide, she taps into her reservoir of ancient wisdom to guide you away from the repetitive patterns of self-sabotage, which are stuck in your subconscious.
Over a series of 5 weekly sessions, she will listen carefully to your dreams, goals, desires, issues, stress points and provide you a space of complete acceptance. She will intuitively help you navigate your way forward. A typical session ends with some self-reflections to be done before the next session.
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Akashic Records Journeying
Akashic records are a non-physical, vibrational library in space which contains everything that has ever happened to every soul in the Universe. As Sadguru says, “It is the internet of your soul journey”. Akashic records journeying entails travelling to the Akashic Library, where all the past, present and future events are recorded for every being in the universe.
A session can last up to an hour. During the session, Priya accesses your Akashic records and delivers the answers to your questions. You will receive healings, wisdom and knowledge, from your Soul, Masters, Guides and other Beings, about your Soul's journey, current life, your path, challenges and struggles. All that comes through is for your Highest Good
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Healing (in-person and distance)
A powerful healer, Priya offers energy healing using multiple modalities in a session - Reiki, Bodywork, Crystals, Meditation, Chanting, Animal healing and support, Bach Flower, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Light Healing and Colour Therapy. Her belief is that each one is a healer and as your heart opens through your personal healing you begin to radiate healing energy.
A healing session can last up to 1 hour and can be done in person or from distance. During the session, Priya works with universal energies, guiding them to every cell of your being to heal all past traumas, patterns, injuries and pain. Her healing takes you to deep relaxation, allowing all the energetic blocks to be released.
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Introduction to Human Design
Imagine a system that explains who you came to be, what you came here to do and what your highest potential looks like. A system that explains how you were built, your personality, emotions, energy centres, how you are wired and guides you how to best respond to the world—It’s called Human Design.
Human Design combines different schools of wisdom, namely Vedic, I Ching, Kabbalah philosophy and conventional Astrology into a very practical way to live life at your true potential. Human Design hands you your key so you can access the ultimate truth inside you.
​Decision by decision you’ve built your life, yet like most people you can be pulled between head, heart, emotion and intuition, practicalities vs higher callings.
A Human Design Introduction Reading charts your design to your personal authenticity, giving you the keys to explore living in alignment with your Self, to make healthy decisions and live your unique life.
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I feel deeply connected with the Divinity within me because of all the work I do with you. I am able to embrace my purpose, myself and my work only because I know that I am supported and loved by you. Your energy healing work, which includes and not limited to, body work and reiki for people, animals and plants inspires me to nurture the healer that I am and serve others. Your deep meditations and reverberating chanting sessions have strongly anchored me to the silence and peace within. Being connected with you is the best soul contract that I have signed and the best human decision that I have made in this lifetime. - Manjuvani
Akashic Records journeying with Priya came to me when I needed answers to some pressing questions. I received a lot of healing and guidance. As a result I made decisions that were right for me and certain fears and insecurities were alleviated. Today I connect to myself and my life in a more confident and joyous way. – Annie
My time with Priya is always a time of sanctuary. The turmoil and outside noise of life wash away as you take the journey to your inner core and towards your true self. The ability to speak from the mind and the heart in a place of safety and quiet is such a rare gift that you feel so light and lifted up. My time with Priya allows me to ask the questions of myself as she reflects what is inside and shares the wisdom that is her insight. As the layers are pulled back the pain and the fears are exposed and through those the journey to the light can begin. I cannot imagine my life without the love from her –Ken
Finding Priya has meant finding myself for me. I have been working with her for almost a decade. She has helped me to work through many of my own patterns which were obstacles in being loving and happy about life. She has held me through major transitions. Each day, she nurtures me to become a better version of myself. My work with her has led me to become more aware and more compassionate towards others and myself. I am deeply grateful to God for giving me someone who I can trust completely. - Soumya
I had reached out to Priya in 2010 when my cat was in grief and had stopped eating. Way back, I did not know what Reiki was and what to expect. The process was easy and when I took my cat to meet Priya, he responded very effectively to the Reiki and within a day he was back to normal. Priya is an amazing healer and I am very grateful for that miraculous recovery of my cat. She went on to become my first Reiki teacher and on countless occasions has helped me with Reiki as well. She is always there for someone in need of support. - Indrani​
It is hard to put in words what Body Work is. As a receiver of the Body Work healing, I simply allow myself to relax and let Priya do her magic. What I have understood of the process, she tunes into my energy and identifies places where energy is stuck. Priya then works to release the stuck energy, sometimes this is physical and sometimes emotional. Usually I feel tired (and thirsty!) after a session. I then observe how over the next couple of days, I feel lighter and more balanced. Things which were upsetting and I was obsessing about, dissipate. -Sonalee
Human Design session with Priya has helped me understand aspects about myself and my son. It is constantly showing me better ways to interact with life itself. It has given me answers to questions and cleared a lot of doubts that I had about myself and my being. It has strengthened the process of self-acceptance and self-love that has been one of my biggest hurdles. -Karishma
Finding Priya has been the greatest gift in my life, working with her over the last 9 years has helped me find myself. Her dedication to holding me through the journey of self discovery has been invaluable and without compromise. Rarely does one come across a space of total acceptance. She seamlessly plays the role of the source, the wise one, the teacher and the friend. She has opened my eyes to see the wonderful, mystical world of infinite possibilities. She has expanded my consciousness to include all. Most importantly she has helped me find deep gratitude, happiness and self love. – SP